
ELECTION RIGGING: Trump Slams Dems Over Voter ID

Democrats' opposition to voter identification requirements was called out Tuesday by former President Donald Trump as "the biggest giveaway" of their alleged intention to stuff...

NEW HQ for FBI To HUNT DOWN Trump Supporters With Hounds

70 House Republicans voted on Wednesday to reward Chris Wray’s FBI with a new $300 million headquarters allegedly larger than the Pentagon. The estimated cost of the new...

Major Setback For DeSantis – Biggest Donor Mulls Backing Trump

Ron DeSantis is coming up short in his attempts to bring his plummeting ratings to heel (notwithstanding a slight uptick over the past week). In the latest blow to...

2024 Republican Debate: The Fight for the Trumpian Mantle

An intensifying rivalry between Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley could dominate Wednesday's Republican debate as the two 2024 U.S. presidential hopefuls seek to present...

Fraudulent Election OVERTURNED – DEMs Under FIRE

In early September 2022, The Gateway Pundit released a shocking video compilation (see video below) of individuals and sometimes teams of people depositing stacks of ballots...

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