Trump was RIGHT! Biden – Hamas Link Exposed

By Townhall. White House aides spent the weekend crying about “misinformation” from those critical of the Biden administration’s decision to unfreeze $6 billion for Iran — the financial and often strategic backer of Hamas and other anti-Israel terrorist organizations — as well as seeking to dispel talk that “aid” money Biden sent to Gaza boosted Hamas terrorists. . .

But that’s a lie. The Biden administration did know that such aid — as they admitted in internal documents — came with a “high risk” that Hamas would benefit as a result.

According to reporting from The Washington Free Beacon’s Adam Kredo in August, the outlet obtained internal documents that showed the Biden administration “pushed through plans to distribute hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer aid” to areas controlled by Hamas “despite internal assessments that those plans could boost the Iran-backed terrorist group.”

via joemiller

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