Democrat Blasts Hillary For Call Against Trump Supporters

RFK Jr. blasted Hillary Clinton over her disturbing call to formally deprogram Trump Supporters. The wicked Democrat thought leader was on CNN Friday spewing her venom once again.

The Gateway Pundit Reported on Friday about Hillary Clinton and her psychotic views of Trump supporters.

Another gross display by the eternally bitter Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton sat down with Christiane Amanpour this week. The failed 2016 presidential candidate told Amanpour that Trump supporters need some sort of “formal reprogramming.”

Hillary even suggested “reeducation” for Trump supporters.


On Saturday, RFK Jr. blasted Hillary and said that her comments reminded him of what communist regimes did to their people. He said with the partisan divide widening, they don’t just see a difference of opinion, but instead are declared to be “mentally and morally ill.”

via thegatewaypundit

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