DESPERATE DEMS: Fake Trump-Zelensky Call

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) repeated a fake version of the infamous 2019 Trump-Zelensky phone call in the first impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden at the House Oversight and Accountability Committee Thursday.

Raskin, the ranking minority member of the committee, claimed in his opening statement that the entire inquiry was a recapitulation of claims of corruption made by Republicans in 2019, of which he said there was no evidence.

In the process, Raskin claimed that Trump associates traveled to Ukraine to dig up dirt on Joe Biden, which he said “culminated in the infamous phone call that then-President [Donald] Trump made to Ukrainian President [Volodymyr] Zelensky, in which Trump threatened to withhold hundreds of billions of dollars in economic, strategic, and military security assistance to Ukraine unless Zelensky embraced their ridiculous fabrication and falsely advertised to the world that Ukraine was investigating Joe Biden.”

Raskin’s version of events repeats a fake version of the phone call, which Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) performed when he conducted his 2019 impeachment inquiry into Trump, and which formed the basis for Democrats’ subsequent arguments for impeaching and removing Trump.

But the transcript of the call, declassified and released by Trump, did not include any threats to withhold aid at all. Nor did it include any “quid pro quo” in which the president made aid conditional on any investigation of Biden. (Read more from “Democrats Fake Trump-Zelensky Phone Call, Again, in First Impeachment Hearing” HERE)

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