Elections Official Sounds ALARM: New Election-Influence PLOT

During the 2020 election, Zuckerberg was used to influence the outcome of the presidential race.

More than $400 million that Mark Zuckerberg handed out to election officials, who often used that cash windfall to recruit Joe Biden voters.

Never before had American elections been subjected to such an influence operation, and significantly, those Zuckerbucks flowed into bank accounts outside of the ordinary processes through which American elections and campaigns are funded.

This election, it may not be Zuckerbucks that influences the outcome, but it will be Bidenbucks, charges one state election official.

A new report in the Federalist explains that Mississippi Secretary of State Michael Watson has warned, in a letter to Joe Biden's attorney general, Merrick Garland, that the Department of Justice seems to be using taxpayer dollars to have jails, and officers in the U.S. Marshals Service, pushing jailed ineligible criminals and non-citizens to vote.

The report said Watson's letter to Garland concerned the DOJ's compliance with Executive Order 14019, which Biden issued in 2021 ordering federal agencies "to interfere in state and local election administration by using U.S. taxpayer money to boost voter registration and get-out-the-vote activities."

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland testifies before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2023.

The response, from bureaucracies, agencies, departments, and programs, largely has been concealed from the public since then, as only a few details have leaked out through lawsuits under freedom of information laws.

What is known is that hundreds of federal offices were ordered to draft plans for how they would follow Biden's election interference orders.

Also involved in the scheme has been a long list of far-left activist organizations with whom the Biden administration is seeking to cooperate.

The Federalist reported it obtained a copy of Watson's letter, where he explains that under Biden's orders, the DOJ's demands "have led to agencies under [Garland's] charge attempting to register people to vote, including potentially ineligible felons, and to coerce state and local officials into accomplishing this goal."

The reality of American elections is that for every ineligible, and therefore illegal, vote cast, the valid vote of a citizen can be canceled.

"Watson said the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) — which falls under the DOJ — is altering existing agreements with jails to comply with Biden’s directive, now requiring these facilities 'to provide voter registration materials and facilitate voting by mail.' In December 2021, the USMS modified '936 contracts or intergovernmental agreements and the agency’s information technology,' mandating that USMS officials 'notify prisoners upon their admission into USMS custody of their right to request voting access information from their designated facility,'" the report charged.

Watson's comments warned, "This program creates numerous opportunities for ineligible prisoners to be registered to vote in Mississippi. The program provides prisoners with misleading information concerning their right to both register and vote in Mississippi – a right which they may not have."

Watson noted that his office has never been contacted by the various groups the Biden vote-gathering scheme involves.

And he said the result could include having noncitizens registered – and voting. That would include illegal aliens who are in custody, and are now automatically given "a form notifying them of their opportunity to partake in the U.S. electoral process," the report said.

"It is quite shocking, in the midst of a crisis at our southern border and an unprecedented crime wave, that the Biden administration has chosen to expend tax dollars and vital law enforcement resources on a program that risks bloating state voter rolls with ineligible and non-citizen voters," Watson charged, according to The Federalist.

He told Garland that such election interference needs to stop "unless and until we can ensure only eligible voters receive voter registration information."

via wnd

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