Biden Adopts Trump’s Approach to Boost Popularity

President Joe Biden has stumbled onto a strategy that just might help him regain some of his lost popularity: Reinstitute former President Donald Trump’s policies.

Biden’s popularity has been underwater since August 2021, with about 40.5 percent approving and 54.9 percent disapproving of his job performance right now, according to the Real Clear Politics average of polls.

Additionally, 63 percent disapprove of his immigration policies and approximately 33 percent approve, the RCP average shows.

A Rasmussen Reports survey published Thursday found that 73 percent of likely voters back Biden’s decision to renew the construction of Trump’s border wall.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said in a Federal Register filing last week that there was an “acute and immediate need” for a wall.

“There is presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States in the project areas,” Mayorkas said.

He cited the more than 245,000 illegal crossings in August as proof of the need for a wall.

The Washington Times reported Oct. 4 that Mayorkas was waiving “26 federal laws, including the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Eagle Protection Act, and the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act” to make it happen.

In the Rasmussen survey, 61 percent of respondents responded yes when asked whether “the Biden administration’s decision to allow border wall construction proves that Donald Trump was right about the need for a border wall.”

Further, “Eighty percent (80%) of voters believe the issue of immigration will be important in the 2024 presidential election, including 52% who think it will be Very Important. Just 16% say immigration won’t be an important issue in the election,” according to the poll.

The survey of 1,009 likely voters was conducted on Oct. 5 and Sunday through Monday. The margin of error is plus or minus 3 percentage points.

Trump — who is leading the 2024 GOP presidential race — warned in a Truth Social post on Monday, “The same people that raided Israel are pouring into our once beautiful USA, through our TOTALLY OPEN SOUTHERN BORDER, at Record Numbers. Are they planning an attack within our Country?”

The Biden administration’s reversal on border wall construction came after NBC News reported last month that 160 foreigners on the U.S. Terrorist Screening Dataset had been apprehended by the Border Patrol as of July. When U.S. citizens on the list are added, the total number is 216.

That compares with 165 in fiscal year 2022.

“The number of migrants from the Eastern Hemisphere more than doubled, from 110,000 in fiscal year 2022 to 228,000 so far in fiscal year 2023, the Homeland Threat Assessment said. The Eastern Hemisphere includes Africa and the Middle East, among other areas,” NBC News reported.

Real America’s Voice journalist Ben Bergquam reported Sunday that a Border Patrol agent in Lukeville, Arizona — on the U.S.-Mexico border about 150 miles southwest of Phoenix — told him agents were apprehending large numbers of migrants from Syria.

Fox News national correspondent Bill Melugin said in a social media post on Monday that during Trump’s last year in office, the total number of suspects from the FBI’s terrorist watchlist apprehended at the border was three.

Restarting wall construction is a good first move for Biden to begin getting the nation back on track.

Now he needs to follow that up with restoring Trump’s domestic energy production policies, as well as cutting back on government spending to combat inflation, and the country just might start to prosper again.

via westernjournal

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