AG Letitia James Caught Lying About Trump (VIDEO)


There is New York Attorney General Letitia James saying this to an interviewer — close up on video. 

(T)he president of the United States has complained that I’m engaging in some sort of political witch hunt, that I’ve got some personal vendetta against him, that I campaigned against him.

Let’s go to the videotape, shall we? The former president has released a veritable bushel of video clips of then-candidate James contradicting that claim at this, that, or another political event.

In one, she looks the camera straight in the eye and says:

He should be charged with obstructing justice. I believe that the president of these United States can be indicted for criminal offenses and we would join law enforcement and other attorneys general across this nation in removing this president from office.

There is no other way to say this.

The attorney general of New York has been caught straight up lying about what she is doing — and what she has been caught doing. And doing repeatedly. She campaigned for the top legal office in New York state by campaigning against Trump, threatening to use her power as attorney general if elected to “lock him up” — and now she is lying and denying that she did it. As she prosecutes Trump with bogus nonsense that is designed to carry out the campaign promise she now denies making. Again, the video tape doesn’t lie.

It is time. It is more than time for this person who has so corrupted the office of attorney general to be impeached, removed, disbarred, and prosecuted.

She is corrupt, and she has corrupted her office with a massive, spectacular abuse of power.

New York is hell and gone from the days of Attorney General Louis J. Lefkowitz. Lefkowitz was a Republican, but he had widespread bipartisan support for the integrity with which he conducted himself in the the attorney general’s office. He served under four New York governors — two Republicans (Rockefeller and Wilson) and two Democrats (Harriman and Carey). He served an unprecedented 22 years in the job, a record no one before or after him has come anywhere close to duplicating.

Today, in short order, Letitia James has disgraced both herself and the office she holds through her bizarre obsession with Donald Trump. Not to mention that in targeting the Trump Organization she is threatening the jobs of thousands who work in its various buildings and operations.

Where is Gov. Kathy Hochul? She should, in concert with state legislators, be working to remove her from office. Pronto. Is she really agreeing with James’ attempt to throw thousands of New Yorkers out of their jobs?

Where is the New York State Bar Association? Have they at base zero respect for the office of New York attorney general? Or are they merely a social club masquerading as a bar association?

What Americans are witnessing unfold in real time is a corrupt politician engaging in a massive abuse of power.

She is not just a serious disgrace to her office. She is corrupt and dangerous.

It is time, more than past time, for Letitia James to be removed as attorney general of New York — and then disbarred and prosecuted for her considerably blatant corruption.

via spectator

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