Trump vs. Christie: The ‘Donald Duck’ Showdown

Former President Donald Trump dismissed former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s new nickname for him that attacked the former president for his absence from the second GOP presidential primary debate.

Christie called Trump “Donald Duck” on Wednesday night, criticizing him for skipping the event in favor of attending an event in Michigan for the United Auto Workers strike. . .

Unimpressed with the nickname, Trump fired back at Christie in an interview with Fox News Digital Wednesday night.

“Anybody that would come up with that nickname shouldn’t be running for president,” Trump said.

Trump defended his decision to skip the debate, saying that due to his sizable lead over the field, it was “much more important” for him to deal “with the UAW and the fact that the Biden administration is going to destroy their jobs over the next two years by going all electric vehicle.” (Read more from “Trump Hits Back at Chris Christie for ‘Donald Duck’ Nickname” HERE)

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