Trump Faces Crowd Backlash Over GOP Member (VIDEO)

By Mediaite. Former President Donald Trump defended the honor of his “friend,” Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), at a rally in Graham’s home state on Monday by touting the senator’s popularity with Democrats.

“Another man who’s always there, he’s always — I’ll tell you what. When I need help on the left, he’s great. He’s great, and he’s my friend, too. Lindsey Graham, wherever you are. Lindsey?” began Trump to a cacophony of boos at a campaign rally in Summerville, South Carolina.

“Oh no, no!” shouted Trump back at the crowd. “He helps me on the left. We need help sometimes. Republicans shouldn’t need help on the left, but he helps me.”

Graham has long been reviled by the base of the Republican Party for some of his moderate positions, most notably on immigration. The longtime legislator ran a longshot bid for the presidency in 2016 and made headlines with his unsparing critiques of Trump at the time, calling him a “race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot.”

“You know how you make America great again? Tell Donald Trump to go to hell,” remarked Graham in 2015.


Trump Calms Rally Crowd After Graham Mention Gets Boos

By The Hill. Former President Trump defended ally Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Monday after Trump’s shoutout to the South Carolina Republican during his rally in the state prompted boos from the crowd. . .

It’s not the first time Graham’s name has prompted boos from a Trump crowd. During a Trump rally in Pickens, S.C., in July, the senator was called a “traitor” and received boos from attendees. In April, a New Hampshire crowd booed the mention of Graham’s name during a Trump event in which the former president referred to the South Carolina Republican as “progressive.”

Graham has at times worked with Democrats in the Senate, including helping the Biden administration advance judicial nominees, drawing ire from other conservatives.

via joemiller

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