Hunter’s Legal Battle Escalates – Giuliani Under Fire

Hunter Biden, the embattled son of Joe Biden, has filed a lawsuit against former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani and his businesses. His team has already sued John Mac Isaac, the owner of the repair shop, claiming Mac Isaac invaded his privacy.

The new lawsuit claims that Giuliani and his companies hacked the laptop that Hunter had left at the computer repair in Delaware, “tampered” with it, and “altered” data on it.

“Defendants are among those who have been primarily responsible for what has been described as the ‘total annihilation’ of Plaintiff’s digital privacy. They also are among those who have been primarily responsible for the ‘total annihilation’ of Plaintiff’s data,” the lawsuit claims. “For the past many months and even years, Defendants have dedicated an extraordinary amount of time and energy toward looking for, hacking into, tampering with, manipulating, copying, disseminating, and generally obsessing over data that they were given that was taken or stolen from Plaintiff’s devices or storage platforms, including what Defendants claim to have obtained from Plaintiff’s alleged ‘laptop’ computer.”

The lawsuit concedes that “At least some of the data that Defendants obtained, copied, and proceeded to hack into and tamper with belongs to Plaintiff,” however, it insists that “data was manipulated, altered, and damaged before it was copied and sent to Defendants; and Defendants’ illegal hacking and tampering has involved further alterations and damage to the data to a degree that is presently unknown to Plaintiff.”

The lawsuit alleges that Giuliani and his associates violated the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (18 U.S.C. § 1030), California’s Computer Data Access and Fraud Act (Cal. Penal Code § 502), and California’s Unfair Competition Law (Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code §§ 3  17200 et seq.).

Unfortunately for Hunter Biden, this lawsuit will go nowhere. Not only have various media outlets verified the contents of the laptop as genuine (only after the 2020 election, of course) but forensic analysis of the laptop data showed no signs of tampering.

“Brian Della Rocca, the lawyer for the shop owner, provided to CBS News what he called an ‘exact copy’ of the laptop data provided to federal investigators nearly three years ago. Della Rocca said he considers it “clean” because it predates versions that were widely circulated by Republican operatives to attack then-candidate before the 2020 presidential election,” Catherine Herridge reported back in November. “The independent analysis, by two cyber investigators from Minneapolis-based Computer Forensics Services, found no evidence that the user data had been modified, fabricated or tampered with. Nor did it find any new files originating after April 2019, when store records indicate Biden dropped it off for repair.”

I’m sure Hunter’s lawyers think the best strategy is to go on offense, but they really don’t have a leg to stand on here.

via pjmedia

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