Silencing Trump: Legal Maneuver

Last Friday Special Counsel Jack “Crazy Eyes” Smith filed a motion seeking a gag order against former President Donald Trump. Smith wants to limit Trump’s ability to criticize the federal criminal charges pending against him in the District of Columbia based on the former president’s efforts to challenge the outcome of the 2020 election.

Smith claims that he is seeking only a “modest” gag order. By “modest” he means that the court should prohibit Trump from making “disparaging and inflammatory” statements about “any party” to the federal criminal case.

This literally includes  Joe and Hunter Biden, Jack Smith, the  Justice Department,  the judge presiding over the case, and others.

In the motion, Smith states that Trump “posted a quote alleging, without any basis, that the indictment that a federal grand jury in this case returned had been directed by the sitting president: ‘Joe Biden directed his Attorney General to prosecute his rival. This is not an independent Justice Department, this is not an independent special counsel. This is being directed by the Commander-in-Chief.’”

The motion continues, “Through such posts, the defendant is attempting to submit his false and inflammatory claims to the public and the jury pool outside of court.”

The motion also cites the following social media posts by Trump:

The Obama-appointed Judge in the FREE SPEECH Indictment of me by my political opponent, Crooked Joe Biden’s Department of InJustice, shared professional ties at the law firm that worked for Energy Company Burisma, based in Ukraine, of which Hunter Biden and his associate were “proud” MEMBERS OF THE BOARD and were paid Millions of Dollars, even though Hunter knew almost NOTHING about How much was the law firm paid? So Horrible. This is a CLASSIC Conflict of Interest!


Deranged Jack Smith is going before his number one draft pick , the Judge of his dreams” (WHO MUST BE RECUSED!), in an attempt to take away my FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS — This, despite the fact that he, the DOJ, and his many Thug prosecutors, are illegally leaking, everything and anything, to the Fake News Media!!!

So, to be clear, Smith wants the court to prohibit candidate Trump from criticizing the case against him as well as Joe Biden, the prosecutors, the judge overseeing the case and others. All of this during  the 2024 election campaign in which Biden will most likely be Trump’s opponent.

The motion is pending before District Judge Tanya Chutkan.

Jamaica-born Chutkan is a former assistant public defender who later worked at the law firm of Boies Schiller Flexner LLP (BSF) from 2002 to 2014. From 2010 to 2014, Hunter Biden was “of counsel” to BSF which provided services to Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian energy company, which paid an estimated $250,000 in legal fees. (READ MORE: Trump’s Inferno)

In 2014, she was appointed to the bench by President Obama.

She has reportedly sentenced at least 38 defendants who were involved in the Jan. 6 Capitol Hill riot to periods of incarceration ranging from five days to ten years.

In contrast to some of her colleagues on the bench who have imposed lenient sentences on some of the rioters, the Associated Press reports that she “has matched or exceeded prosecutors’ recommendations in 19 of her 38 sentences.”

According to Politico, at one sentencing she rejected counsel’s argument that the Jan. 6 defendants were being treated more harshly than Black Lives Matter protesters who rioted in cities across America.

She characterized the BLM rioters as people who gathered “to protest the violent murder by the police of an unarmed man. Some of those protesters became violent. But to compare the actions of people protesting, mostly peacefully, for civil rights, to those of a violent mob seeking to overthrow the lawfully elected government is a false equivalency and ignores a very real danger that the Jan. 6 riot posed to the foundation of our democracy.”

Politico reports that, at the sentencing of one of the Jan. 6 defendants, she observed that “no one accused of orchestrating the effort to subvert the election had been held accountable.” In addressing the defendant she stated that “the people who exhorted you and encouraged you and rallied you to go and take action and to fight have not been charged.”

Want to guess who she was talking about?

With that track record, it appears that Judge Chutkan will be only too happy to gag Trump.

But, if she does, what will Trump do?

If he stays true to form, Trump will turn up the heat. His criticisms of the federal case and the parties involved will increase in frequency and intensity.

And, if that happened, would Judge Chutkan hold him in contempt of court and imprison him for disobeying her gag order?.

This is not wild speculation. With the filing of this motion seeking to silence the leading Republican presidential candidate, this nation has been launched into uncharted waters. The only precedents we can look to is how such matters are handled in banana republics and communist dictatorships.

Which, of course, is the template underlying the blizzard of baseless indictments brought by radical Marxist prosecutors across America who are seeking to bankrupt, ruin, defeat, and imprison Trump. (READ MORE: Trump’s Inferno: Part Two)

From their standpoint, these prosecutors are trying to eliminate the major threat to Democrat hegemony while simultaneously teaching the American people the importance of obedience to authority.

Look what we did to Trump. Don’t let that happen to you.

So, you can take it from Ol’ Crazy Eyes himself: Shut up and obey. Or else.

George Parry is a former federal and state prosecutor. He blogs at

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