It's nearly 30 years ago that the late Rush Limbaugh, following up on his hit book, "The Way Things Ought to Be," released "See, I told you So," working with Joseph Farah, who a few years later founded WND, on the book.
Back then, Limbaugh addressed, without false modesty but simply the truth, the issues of "Punishing achievement," "Dead white guys or what your history books never told you," and "Are values obsolete?"
Perhaps, it's time for a sequel, this time by President Trump, who unabashedly told a CBN interview that, "Everything I said was right."
His comments concerned his opinions on energy – under his administration America was energy independent. And the border, which he worked to secure with multiple policies like "Remain in Mexico" requiring asylum seekers to wait beyond the border until their court hearing was held, and the border wall.
The Biden administration's multiple failures, on the economy, on the border, inflation, foreign policy, and more, Trump is using to explain how he was correct.
Including faith.
"Everything I said was right," Trump said in the interview, for which a video is posted online.
"I'm not just talking about energy or on the border. I'm talking about religion. I said these people are against evangelicals. I said they're against Israel. I said they're against organized religion, frankly. They're against all of the things that you and I, and most of your viewers, stand for. And when I said that during debates and elsewhere, people sort of weren't sure. I turned out to be right. And I've had many people say, as good as I think we were, they said, you were the best at it. You were the best, and they want me back."
Biden, in fact, has unleashed an unprecedented attack on religious rights by pushing his transgender and abortion agendas, including a plan that would force Christian doctors and nurses to provide transgender body mutilations on children on demand.
The report, which opined that he "seems ready for an encore" in 2024, was based on an interview by CBN's David Brody in Palm Beach, Florida.
One issue that arose was this week's leak of a Supreme Court draft opinion that could overturn Roe v. Wade.
"I will say the leak was a terrible thing. You're just not used to that for the Supreme Court. It was very shocking. I think it was a very bad thing for the court.'
In fact, an investigation now has been ordered into the source of the leak, and the chief justice said the release of the draft opinion, which is suspected of having been done to allow extremists to apply pro-abortion pressure on several of the justices, won't affect the final decision.
Trump noted that Democrats blame him for the apparent pro-Constitution perspective in the draft, because he nominated three justices on the bench.
"Well, a lot of people are very happy about that. So some people maybe say it's my fault and some people say, 'Thank you very much,'" he said.
He also addressed the surge under the Biden administration of the transgender movement, to include Disney's embrace of LGBT lifestyle choices.
He said, "That's not the way it should be, that's for sure, it is a terrible thing," he said.
He noted a high percentage of children with gender dysphoria eventually resolved themselves happily as the gender in which they were born – if they are left alone.
"I think what's happened with Disney and what Disney's doing, Walt Disney is looking down. He's not happy, OK? Walt Disney said, 'Whatever happened to my beautiful Magic Kingdom?'"
The Disney corporation openly has opposed Florida's ban on teachers imposing gender indoctrination on children in kindergarten through third grade.
"This is a different world. It's a new world, and I think it's actually going to be shut out. You know, how it's going to get shut out? Common sense. It's common sense. But I think it's going, and I think religion will help shut it out. You know, nobody has done more for Christianity. Nobody has done more for religion of all types than me. And they're really doing things now too and I've always said it. They are against organized religion. They're against Christianity," he said.
He also warned of the dangers of Biden's new disinformation censorship bureau, planned under the Department of Homeland Security, and proposed to be run by a leftist who once wondered, in a recorded song, who she had to "f---" in order to be powerful and rich.
"Who would have believed that we're talking about somebody that's going to censure people over a long period of time, and very strong. Now they're saying, 'Oh, no, it's just a recommendation.' That's where it all began. I guess that's what they used to say in Russia. That's what they said in the Soviet Union, right? We're just going to do it a little bit. No, we can't do that. We can do that. That's a horrible thing," Trump said.
"Imagine the media uproar if Donald Trump decided to administer a ministry of truth? Well, I have a ministry of truth," the former president said. "It's called truth. It's called Truth Social (his social media platform)."
He called Vice President Mike Pence a very good vice president and "my friend," but wouldn't speculate on Pence's chances in a presidential race.
Trump multiple times has said he'll announce whether he's running in 2024 after the 2022 midterms. And he's also said multiple times his supporters will be very happy.
via wnd