The Real Insurrection Was Against Trump

Insurrection apparently did occur in the US as recently as the 2016 Election and Inauguration of President Trump.  Multiple individuals and entities from the right and left tried to prevent President Trump from winning the 2016 election and then from being inaugurated. 

The big effort to destroy Trump was based on lies from the Hillary campaign.  Her gang claimed that citizen Trump was connected to Russia and Vladimir Putin.  We knew then and know now that this was all a lie.  It likely was was an attempt to cover up for the leaked Podesta emails to WikiLeaks and how they got there. Or maybe it was an attempt to project Russian-related crimes on President Trump to cover up the Uranium One sale to Russia where the Clintons made millions as a result.  Whatever the reason, the Clintons have never been held accountable for the crimes identified in the Podesta emails or for their profiteering from the Uranium One deal.

The Daily Caller reported on this yesterday:

A recently resurfaced NPR interview suggests the individual responsible for leaking the Steele Dossier to Buzzfeed in 2017 did so as a “Hail Mary” attempt to prevent former President Donald Trump’s inauguration.

News of why the dossier was apparently leaked was met with little fanfare or headlines at the time. What’s more, the revelation from NPR’s interview indicates the media played a key role in the alleged plan to stop Trump from taking office.

David Kramer, a former State Department official and associate of late Arizona Sen. John McCain, leaked copies of the dossier – authored by former British spy Christopher Steele – to Buzzfeed News and multiple other networks.

Buzzfeed subsequently published the dossier on Jan. 10, 2017, about two months after the 2016 election was called for Trump, but prior to his inauguration.

NPR later conducted a 2019 interview with Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch, the duo responsible for hiring Steele on behalf of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

The interview uncovers a revelation regarding the timing of the leaked dossier. According to Simpson and Fritsch, the Steele Dossier was leaked to Buzzfeed News in the hopes that it would “thwart” Trump’s upcoming inauguration.

As we reported back in 2019, Kramer didn’t only provide the dossier to Buzzfeed, he provided the dossier to over a dozen left-wing journalists.

Kramer also provided the bogus dossier to now-fired FBI Director Jim Comey.  The Russian dossier was paid for by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

After the election in November 2016, the Deep State’s “Secret Society” met for the first time overseas in England.  This timing coincided with Kramer’s visit to the UK and John Brennan’s visit to Portugal.  The purpose of this secret society or the participants have never been fully uncovered.

Looking back, it does appear that there was a very large and involved effort to stop President Trump from becoming President before his inauguration.  This is the real insurrection that has never been addressed or accounted for.

via thegatewaypundit

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