For a couple of weeks now I’ve been kicking around a column idea in my head about living in a world that’s beyond parody. In the not-too-distant past, I had seriously considered launching my own parody site or at least running a Twitter parody account. Seven or so years ago, I could have done something like that in my sleep. Now I’d need a full writers room just to come up with stuff that’s more outlandish than the daily news.
For example:
During the Trump years, hundreds of government scientists and analysts left their jobs. The brain drain is hobbling President Biden's climate agenda.
— The New York Times (@nytimes) August 2, 2021
This was from an article posted on Sunday, and it was the first time I was aware that his green insanity was being hobbled in any way. In fact, I remember him rushing from slurring his way through the presidential oath of office then heading right to work to kill the Keystone XL pipeline and a bunch of jobs. That was one of the drooling idiot’s climate agenda promises. Democrats hate people who work and energy that doesn’t cost a fortune.
via joemiller