Caitlyn Jenner Announces ‘I Still Would Support’ Trump if He Runs in 2024

California Republican gubernatorial candidate and former Olympian Caitlyn Jenner expressed support for former President Donald Trump if he runs again for the White House in 2024.

“If I was governor of the state of California, I would, obviously I would support him,” Jenner said during an interview with Fox News host Jeanine Pirro that aired Saturday.

“What if you weren’t governor? Would you still support him?” Pirro asked.

“Yes, I still would support him. I do not like what’s happening in this country right now,” Jenner added.

Jenner’s words come as the recall election race against Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom approaches on Sept. 14.

During a May campaign ad, Jenner said, “California was once the envy of the world. We had what everyone else wanted. The American dream grew up here,” he said.

“Yet, career politicians and their policies have destroyed that dream.”

Jenner pointed out the American dream has been closed or shuttered in the past year because of the pandemic.

“The government is now involved in every part of our lives,” Jenner continued.

“They’ve taken our money, our jobs and our freedom.”

Jenner said California needs a “compassionate disrupter” and he will work as governor “to save California.”

“This past year has redefined our career politicians as elitists, and the people of California as the warriors, the kings and the angels,” the video said.

Jenner announced his candidacy for governor on April 23.

Jenner slammed Newsom for the state’s high taxes and coronavirus restrictions.

“This isn’t the California we know,” he said in an April statement. “This is Gavin Newsom’s California, where he orders us to stay home but goes out to dinner with his lobbyist friends.”

“I have been a compassionate disrupter throughout my life, from representing the United States and winning a gold medal at the Olympics to helping advance the movement for equality,” Jenner said. “I’m in!”

via westernjournal

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