Ousted Anti-Trump GOP Chair Liz Cheney Outraises Successor Stefanik

The split in the Republican Party is not going away anytime soon, if fundraising numbers are to be believed.

Anti-Trump Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), who was recently ousted as the GOP Conference Chair for her aggressive, repeated attacks on the leader of the party, raised significantly more money than her successor, Elise Stefanik (R-NY).

In fact, in the second quarter of the year alone, Cheney broke fundraising records for a second time.

This is significant because it is also the period during which Cheney was removed as GOP Conference Chair, the highest ranking Republican member of Congress.

She has consistently been an outspoken critic of former President Donald Trump.


During the second quarter of 2021, which runs from April to June, Cheney raised roughly $1.88 million. During the first quarter, also a record breaker, she raised $1.5 million.

For the same second quarter time period, Stefanik raised $1.467 million. The difference is around $400,000.

The Hill reports that the Cheney campaign has $2.85 million on hand, almost double her first quarter total. Her total so far for the year is roughly $3.5 million, up from the $3 million received for her successful 2020 re-election bid.

Cheney will likely need it, as she’s drawn a number of Republican primary challengers over her vote to impeach President Trump.

The Stefanik campaign reported having $2.1 million cash on hand.



Liz Cheney’s trouble began soon after the Jan. 6 riot, when she placed the blame squarely at the feet of former President Donald Trump.

At the time, she called it “the most egregious violation of an oath of office of any president in our history.” She then became one of just 10 House Republicans to vote to impeach Trump for what they saw was his role in the violence at the Capitol.

Cheney came under fire not just from Trump and his supporters, but she also garnered some trouble at home.

Almost immediately following her impeachment vote, she had a 2022 primary challenger. Since then, others have jumped into the race in Wyoming to unseat her.

Cheney is not the lone House member to get a primary challenger. Of the 10 that voted to impeach, nine of those have 2022 primary challengers.

Republicans first tried to remove Cheney from her Conference Chair position in February, but she managed to hang on to her position. On the second attempt in May, she was removed from the Conference Chair position.

Elise Stefanik is a fourth term Congresswoman from upstate New York. She is young, and has described herself as the opposite of far-left Democrat Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Stefanik’s district has seen a bigger shift to the right since the election of Donald Trump, and she has become an ally of Trump. Trump hosted a fundraiser for Stefanik back in June that brought in $250,000.


The National Republican Congressional Committee is set to report $79.2 million raised in the first half of 2021.

The NRCC reports having $55 million cash on hand, compared to $44 million for the DCCC.

NRCC Chairman Tom Emmer said of the cash haul, “We will take back the majority next fall and voters are doing everything they can to help us accomplish that goal,” NRCC Chairman Tom Emmer said in a statement. “Every vulnerable House Democrat should be eyeing the exits because if they choose to run, they will lose.”


via thepoliticalinsider

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