I just saw that Fox News has an article from yesterday on how Trump didn’t mention the great governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis at his rally on Saturday. Which is not surprising considering the two may be running against each other in the primary in 2024.
So in expectation of that heated primary contest, I’m curious as to whom you’d vote for between the two if you were voting today.
Who would you vote for today?
- Ron DeSantis (53%, 1,091 Votes)
- Donald Trump (43%, 889 Votes)
- I don't know (2%, 46 Votes)
- Someone else (2%, 33 Votes)
Total Voters: 2,059
I’m sure there will be other options in the future but this poll is really more about these two, because they are undoubtedly the heavy hitters going into 2024.
via therightscoop