President Trump Releases Statement on Arizona Governor RINO Doug Ducey

Ducey’s record is horrendous but his actions in protecting our US Constitution and ensuring our elections are free and fair were his ultimate downfall.  Had Ducey protected the sanctity of our elections he would be praised but instead, his actions were and are horrendous and he will therefore never earn our President’s or his millions of followers’ respect.

Yesterday President Trump made it clear that he will never support Republican Governor Ducey in Arizona.  This makes sense.  At the end of May, Ducey vetoed 22 bills, including a bill on election integrity.  How could he after seeing the mess his state is in after the 2020 Election?

There are many questions on why Ducey signed off on Biden’s stolen win in Arizona, some going back years:

But Ducey’s major mistake was when he certified the fraudulent 2020 Election in Arizona knowing that the results were rampant with fraud.  He did this while at the same time the Trump team was presenting the piles of affidavits and testimonies showing how the election was stolen.  This was simply grotesque and outrageous.

Yesterday President Trump let Ducey have it.  Liz Harrington shared:

via thegatewaypundit

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