WATCH: Conservative reporter embarasses two news hosts over stupid Trump comparison

Amber Athey, who works for the DC Examiner, was on The Hill’s show today and embarrassed the two hosts there after they tried to bring Trump’s Mar-a-lago into the conversation about Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse and his all-white Rhode Island club.


In the video, the one host is upset that Donald Trump Jr. attacked Sheldon Whitehouse for being a part of this elite all-white club, and suggested that Mar-a-lago is probably also a private white club. He also took pot shots at Donald Trump Jr.’s intelligence as well.

The other host refused to defend Trump Jr., Trump and Mar-a-lago and suggested that it probably has been criticized for not being diverse enough.

When they finally got around to letting Amber Athey speak, she destroyed their arguments by saying:

I’m actually really glad the Mar-a-lago point was raised. Because in 1997 Donald Trump actually sued Palm Beach, alleging that the city was discriminating against Mar-a-lago because it was one of the only clubs at the time in the area that allowed Jewish people and African American people to become members. So I’m sorry, that comparison does not hold up at all.

BOOM! They are smearing Trump and Mar-a-lago and they don’t even know what they are talking about. Typical news hosts these days.

I do love how she let them continue digging their hole before she finally pushed them in and threw a bunch of dirt on top. It was awesome.

via therightscoop

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