Trump Releases Statement Calling Out ‘Very Fraudulent Election,’ Teases 2024

Trump concluded the message by saying that he got the most votes of any sitting president in the “very fraudulent election. 2024 of before!”


“The story that I asked the Department of Justice to go after ratings-challenged (without Trump!) Saturday Night Live, and other late-night Losers, is total Fake News,” Trump said in a statement released Tuesday evening by his leadership PAC.

“It was fabricated, there were no sources, and yet the Lamestream Media goes with it,” he continued. “I did say, however, that Alec Baldwin has no talent, certainly when it comes to imitating me. The one who had what it took was Darrell Hammond.”

“With all of that being said, however, I do believe that the 100% one-sided shows should be considered an illegal campaign contribution from the Democrat Party, hard to believe I got 75 million votes (the most of any sitting President) despite all of that, together with a very Fraudulent Election. 2024 or before!” Trump added.

via thegatewaypundit

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