‘I never lied’: McEnany says she always told truth as Trump’s press secretary

Kayleigh McEnany, former press secretary for former President Donald Trump, said during a speech at the Young Women’s Leadership Summit in Dallas on Sunday that she “never lied” while working at the White House.

McEnany talked during her speech about a few of the “dumb” questions the press, including one where a reporter asked if she would ever lie to the press.

“And I said, without hesitation, no. And I never did. As a woman of faith, as a mother of baby Blake, as a person who meticulously prepared at some of the world’s hardest institutions, I never lied,” McEnany said in the speech.

McEnany said in the speech that she knew that reporters would call her a liar even though she always sourced her information. In the speech, she said this is why she developed an aggressive tone at the White House. “I never lied, I sourced my information, but that will never stop the press from calling you a liar,” McEnany said.

“My dad said, ‘Kayleigh, you’ve got to come up with a motto for your press shop.’ And I did. And our motto was this: Offense only,” McEnany said. “Because I knew what we were up against. Republicans always get the bad headlines, always get the false stories, always get the lies, if I can use that word, told by the press.”

Fox News announced that McEnany would join the network as a contributor in March 2020.

The network cut away from a press conference in November 2020, where she accused Democrats of “welcoming” fraud and illegal voting during the presidential election.

Turning Point USA’s Young Women’s Leadership Summit was held on June 10-13th in Dallas, according to their site.

via wnd

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