Palm Beach GOP Committeeman Invites Donald Trump Jr. To..

Tom Vaughn has been operating as a Republican Committeeman since he was 12 years old; he learned the ropes from his Dad. Today at 65 years young he spoke with The Gateway Pundit about the historic growth he has seen in the Palm Beach GOP, where applications to become Committeemen and women in that organization are piling up in his hands.

Vaughn said.

“I promise you this growth is because of Dan Schultz’s book and Steve Bannon’s show.  When people give their short campaign speeches they always mention that they are part of the War Room Posse.”

A movement inspired by President Donald J. Trump is building around the country with people getting into the Grand Old Party (GOP) focused on getting elected to party positions so they can represent the “American First” movement. Schultz is often a guest on Bannon’s show where the two discuss the impact of people getting involved as Committeemen and women in their local GOP parties.

Vaughn told The Gateway Pundit about the importance of Schultz’s Committeeman Project that he has personally experienced all these years:

“The Committeeman or woman work brings a high touch impression instead of a high tech impression to the voters. Committeemen develop a personal relationship with the voters that they can relate to. When you look someone in the eye and ask them to vote for your candidate, it is much more effective.”

Vaughn told Gateway Pundit, “I would welcome a chance to present to Donald Trump Jr, who lives in this area, the Dan Schultz method from his book and show him how we are building on the America First movement here in Palm Beach. The party does see me as an insurgent. They are not pleased about how I want to expand those Committee positions, because then we can get some control over the executive committees, and with more Committee people there are more people to control. But we are doing it anyway.”

“People were leaving the party up until recently and now they are coming back we are doubling those Committeeman positions.  I want to have 600 Committeemen members in Palm Beach. We are currently at 290.  I have aplications for the next meeting already. This is how we are going to get Trump endoresed candidates in, and how we are going to save America.”

The following video is from Thursday, showing what the Executive Committee is up against with the influx of new members:

Vaughn wrote on Facebook, describing the video: “A new day is dawning for the Palm Beach Republican Executive Committee as 78 new members have been inducted over the past 2 months. Most newbies are fire-breathing War Room posse America First Deplorables.

via thegatewaypundit

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