PRESIDENT TRUMP: “The Pennsylvania Senate Needs to Act”

Pennsylvania lawmakers met with Arizona lawmakers and toured the Arizona Audit floor earlier this week.

On Thursday morning, President Trump shared a message to Pennsylvania State Senate President Jake Corman, and State Senator Dave Argall, Chairman of the State Government Committee, on his Telegram channel. This post called on PA Senate leadership to initiate action and stand up for election integrity.

TGP’s Jordan Conradson spoke with State Senator Doug Mastriano on Wednesday, where he said, “We’ve got a lot of issues in Pennsylvania. We need to do an audit and…this is the model”.

“If We Do an Audit in PA – This is the Model” – Pennsylvania Senator Doug Mastriano Speaks Out after Arizona Audit Tour (VIDEO)

The PA Delegation saw first-hand that Arizona’s forensic audit was the gold standard for every audit.

They planned to take this process back to their state and make it even better, but the PA State Senate needs to step up to the plate in this crucial hour.

As Georgia and other states are expected to tour the AZ audit starting next week, “The Freight Train of Audits is FULL STEAM Across the country!” – Boris Epshteyn said on Bannon’s War Room

via thegatewaypundit

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