Trump: Dems’ Transgender Push ‘Destroys’ Equity for Women

Democrats are pushing transgender rights, which is ultimately flying against the grain of President Joe Biden's "equity" agenda, violating women's rights under Title IX, and "destroying women's sports," President Donald Trump said Saturday during an appearance on Newsmax.

"This is insane and it's going to destroy women's sports," Trump said on Newsmax TV's "Dick Morris Democracy" in an exclusive interview. "Who's going to – how do you compete?

"It's so ridiculous. I can't even believe we've got to have a conversation about it, actually."

The Justice Department has dropped support for Connecticut girls who sued the state for permitting transgender participation in girl's sports.

"It's insane; it's very unfair to women," Trump said, echoing the point of famous transgender former Olympic champion Caitlyn Jenner. "It's going to destroy women's sports, if it hasn't already done it.

"You look at some states, every single record is held by a person who was a man just a little while ago."

Trump referenced the case his administration's DOJ supported before Biden's DOJ dropped it, Chelsea Mitchell.

"Women aren't going to be able to compete," Trump said, also lamenting the movement to permit "young kids" getting taxpayer-funded gender reassignment healthcare.

"Young kids getting it, beyond young; it's ridiculous," Trump said.

via newsmax

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