Trump Slams Joe Scarborough

Former President Donald Trump Tuesday slammed MSNBC "Morning Joe" anchor Joe Scarborough and his wife and co-host Mika Brzezinski, accusing them of launching attacks on him because their show rankings are dropping. 

"Crazy Joe Scarborough and his blood-curdling, psycho wife (?), Mika, are going crazy because their ratings have absolutely TANKED," the former president said in a statement issued through his website. "They are wrong too often and always predictable. They were right about me in 2016, but I did better in the 2020 Election with 12 million more votes. Stay tuned!"

It was not immediately clear why Trump was attacking the couple, who were married in November 2018.

They frequently criticize Trump through their early morning program and on Monday laid into Trump's followers and the Republican Party, with Brzezinski saying the GOP now has "all the evidence of a serious cult" after the former president's election and time in office.

Scarborough commented that "the more Republicans lose, the more of a personality cult Donald Trump seems to develop, to which his wife responded that it is “not even an exaggeration” to suggest it is a cult.

"The more Republicans lose, the more of a personality cult Donald Trump seems to develop," Scarborough commented. "You can look at his losses in ‘17. You can look at his losses in ‘18 — historic losses. I mean, Republicans losing like they’ve never lost before in the House of Representatives, just as far as a pure, pure vote totals. (In 2019) they started losing governorships in the South, and then in ‘20, they lost the big race, lost the race for their presidency, lost Georgia, lost the Senate, lost the House.”

Scarborough added that "rational parties" learn to "self-adjust and start electing candidates that can get elected" but Trump "is not that guy. He's just not that guy, and we've seen time and time again that he puts, in many cases, people in a difficult position to win elections."

via newsmax

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