Trump’s 13,000-Job Complex Deal Was Just Gutted on Biden’s Watch

Former President Donald Trump touted a plant with Foxconn during his administration, but the project will, unfortunately, create far fewer jobs than originally proposed.

The company which manufactures tech projects planned on opening a complex in Wisconsin that would employ 13,000 people, as the deal with the state was renegotiated cut back from $10 billion to $672 million, NBC News reported.

Now, the estimated new jobs created will be a meager 1,454.

Democratic Gov. Tony Evers suggested that this will take a heavy burden off the shoulders of Wisconsin residents.

“[It will save] a total of $2.77 billion compared to the previous contract, maintain accountability measures requiring job creation to receive incentives, and protect hundreds of millions of dollars in local and state infrastructure investments made in support of the project,” he said.

Trump was so optimistic about the project when it was announced in 2017 that he referred to it as “the eighth wonder of the world.”

The deal was seen as an early victory of his presidential agenda, as a core tenant of his populist governing style was based on the economic revival in the rust belt.

“With this flexibility also comes the predictability and stability to know that Foxconn’s material contributions in Wisconsin will be recognized by the state as benchmarks are achieved year-over-year,” the company said in a statement.

“Our new agreement signals to the United States and international business communities that our Science and Technology Park still benefits from unique advantages that make Wisconsin, and our Park, an attractive place to call home, drive business, and grow jobs.

“Foxconn looks forward to working with WEDC and our local partners to attract market-driven development to the Park. With elected officials supporting Foxconn’s investments in Wisconsin, and with the right market demand, we are confident other Foxconn affiliates, joint ventures, and non-affiliates will soon also look to Wisconsin,” it added.

The new plant has faced hurdles in its completion since its groundbreaking in 2018, but the Taiwan-based company is considering building electric vehicles at the factory.

However, the company said they may be considering Mexico over the United States, which used to be considered a powerhouse for the auto industry.

“A lot of work depends on electronics and software for the EVs. We thought maybe it’s a good place to make EVs,” Foxconn Chairman Liu Young-way said in March, according to Reuters.

The scaling down of the plant may seem like a positive thing for Evers and Foxconn, but it is ultimately the average American who got the short end of the stick.

One has to ask themselves, where is “working class” President Joe Biden on this?

Much like his response to the border crisis, he seems to be missing in action when it comes to creating blue-collar jobs.

via westernjournal

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