State Department sued for hiding details of Kerry’s ‘sabotage’ of Trump

The American Center for Law and Justice has filed a lawsuit against the Department of State for refusing to respond with information that could document John Kerry's allege "sabotage" of the Trump administration.

The ACLJ previously filed a Freedom of Information Act request but received no response other than an acknowledgement of the request.

"John Kerry tried to undermine President Trump in order to support Iran, putting our national security at risk," the ACLJ said.  "And now it appears that the Biden administration is willfully trying to cover it up."

The organization said it's a critical issue because of the "Biden/Kerry Deep State tag-team effort to renew the Iran Nuclear Deal," a quasi-treaty that never was ratified by the U.S. Senate, as is required by the Constitution.

President Trump withdrew the U.S. from the international agreement in May 2018. He argued "the heart of the Iran deal was a giant fiction: that a murderous regime desired only a peaceful nuclear energy program." Trump said there was "definitive proof that this Iranian promise was a lie."

"As we’ve previously told you, John Kerry, former secretary of state under President Obama, along with Robert Malley, who was President Obama’s Middle East adviser, conducted secretive backdoor meetings with Iran while President Trump was still in office. Both of these individuals are now senior Biden officials," the ACLJ said.

WND reported the ACLJ warned when it filed its FOIA request, "It is very dangerous and extremely concerning that John Kerry, while a private citizen, was actively meeting with foreign officials to not only undermine U.S. foreign policy but to sabotage it.

"This creates confusion in the international arena because it prevents the U.S. from having a clear unified message and contradicts the established and important U.S. policy of having one president at a time."

The Washington Times reported Trump's attempt at a "back channel" with Iran to defuse escalating tensions failed.

The report said that two months earlier, "a different back channel was thriving in New York" as Iran's English-speaking foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, met with Robert Malley, who was President Obama's Middle East adviser.

The Times said it was an "apparent bid to undermine the Trump team and lay the groundwork for post-Trump relations."

The ACLJ noted one of the officials was John Kerry.

"President Biden’s team actively did what they falsely accused the previous Trump administration of doing," the ACLJ said. "According to declassified documents, then-Vice President Biden himself even inquired about using the Logan Act against Michael Flynn for establishing communications with a foreign government official.

"However, unlike Michael Flynn, who had already been appointed to serve as the incoming National Security Adviser, leading leftists were meeting with Zarif as far back as 2017 – not to prepare to take office, but AFTER they left office."

A former official told the Times that Zarif met with Obama administration officials in 2017, 2018 and 2019 before his visa was canceled.

"The underlying goals of Mr. Zarif’s meetings, the official said, was 'to devise a political strategy to undermine the Trump administration' and to continue building up a reservoir of support for the JCPOA, or another deal like it, that could be drawn up if a Democrat returned to the White House in 2021," the report said.

The ACLJ said Obama administration officials also maintained contact with Palestinian Authority officials after the Trump administration shut down relations.

Mike Pompeo, Trump's secretary of state, said in a Fox News interview that it's "sad that Secretary Kerry is so unable to get off the stage at any point that he had to go try and undermine what President Trump and our team were trying to do."

The ACLJ said: "This sets a very dangerous precedent. No president, regardless of party, should be comfortable with a former government official acting as a private citizen to undermine and sabotage U.S. foreign policy on behalf of their future successor. It’s dangerous. Particularly when the country they’re meeting with also happens to be the world’s number one state sponsor of terrorism."

The ACLJ said the State Department had 20 days to respond and failed.

via wnd

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