Bush Criticizes Trump – Wants 2024 Candidate Who Supports Gun Control, Amnesty

Former President George W. Bush crawled back into the spotlight to criticize today’s GOP and Donald Trump, and further suggested he would support a moderate candidate with pro-gun control and pro-amnesty views in 2024.

In an interview with NBC’s ‘Today’ show, Bush took aim at today’s Republicans who he describes as “isolationist, protectionist, and to a certain extent, nativist.”

Speaking on the matter of the Capitol riot in January, the man who spent much of his time in the White House being characterized by the left as a Nazi, said he was sickened by what took place.

“It did make me sick. I felt ill. And I just couldn’t believe it,” Bush said.

“What’s really troubling is how much misinformation there is and the capacity of people to spread all kinds of untruth,” he added, apparently without a hint of irony. Anyone recall WMDs?

“And I don’t know what we’re going to do about that.”


With those comments, George W. Bush has now attacked ‘misinformation’ circulating amongst Trump and his supporters more vociferously than he did even against himself.

The misinformation starts with the media, yet here he is gleefully ripping the GOP on a network like NBC.

Perhaps being on NBC, if Bush wanted to fight misinformation, he might have mentioned the fact that they heavily promoted the ‘Russia bounty’ story that has now been put in serious doubt by the Biden administration.

No anger or feeling sick over that bit of misinformation, George?

Bush’s evolution from being portrayed by the media as a dictator to a media darling of the left is quite remarkable.

Nowhere is that more evident than in the ‘Today’ show interview where he describes who he’d like the GOP to nominate in 2024. See if this reminds you of anyone.

Politico reports:

“Bush remained hopeful that a more moderate Republican — one who supported reasonable gun reform measures, increased public school funding and a path to citizenship for undocumented workers, among other policies — could succeed in the party’s 2024 presidential primary.”

“I think if the emphasis is integrity and decency and trying to work to get problems solved, I think the person has a shot,” added Bush.

‘Reasonable gun reform.’ ‘Path to citizenship.’ ‘Integrity and decency.’

Didn’t we just elect somebody to office who supports those things and disguised his anti-gun, pro-amnesty views under the guise of ‘decency’?

Decency, which, when translated to real-world issues like the border crisis, has translated to incompetence?


In another shot against the former President, Bush commented on hostility described by Politico as having “reached new levels of hostility under his Republican successor in the White House.”

“It’s a beautiful country we have. And yet, it’s not beautiful when we condemn [and] call people names and scare people about immigration,” he said. “It’s an easy issue to frighten some of the electorate.”

Got that, Trump voters? You’ve been duped, according to Bush, by the former President’s mean characterization of illegal immigration. Why? Because you’re easy to frighten.

Bush circled back to his ‘nativist’ comments, expressing disappointment in President Biden’s announcement to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, something his predecessor had wanted to do.

Bush said he was “deeply concerned about the plight of women and girls” in Afghanistan.

“I think the administration hopes that the girls are going to be okay through diplomacy. We’ll find out,” he opined.

Bush also referenced his surprising friendship with former First Lady Michelle Obama.

Trump, meanwhile, told Fox News in an interview with Sean Hannity Monday night, that he was “very seriously” considering another run for the White House in 2024.

Much to Bush’s dismay.

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via thepoliticalinsider

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