Nikki Haley rebukes Biden’s U.N. ambassador for blasting America

President Biden's official representative of the United States to the international community, his ambassador to the United Nations, has been slamming America.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield this week claimed that she has personally "experienced one of America's greatest imperfections."

"I've seen for myself how the original sin of slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents and principles," she said.

But Nikki Haley, who held that post under President Trump, immediately scolded her.

"The Biden administration criticizing our country in front of the world's worst human rights abusers & oppressive regimes is a win for our enemies," Haley said.

Thomas-Greenfield made her comments at the annual convention this week of the Al Sharpton-run National Action Network.

Fox News reported she charged that the United States must acknowledge its "imperfect" components in order to be effective in the United Nations' Human Rights Council.

She claimed her great-grandmother "was the child of a slave just three generations back from me" and that when she grew up in the South, the KKK burned crosses on lawns.

"I shared these stories and others to acknowledge, on the international stage, that I have personally experienced one of America’s greatest imperfections," she said.

She blamed "white supremacy" for the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and others.

But her comments reflected poorly on the United States at an international body that already is notoriously anti-American, allowing flagrant human rights violators such as China, Venezuela and Russia are on the Human Rights Council.

Haley took to Twitter to correct Thomas-Greenfield: "America is the freest, fairest country in the world. We shouldn’t have trouble saying that."

The U.S. abandoned the Human Rights Council under President Trump because it was a "cesspool of political bias that makes a mockery of human rights." He also cited the panel's widely recognized anti-Israel bias.

But Antony Blinken, Biden's secretary of state, said the U.S. would humble itself and seek to return to the council.

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