Liz Cheney Claims Trump Is ‘At War With The Constitution’

Representative Liz Cheney (R-WY) went on “Face The Nation” on CBS on Sunday to say that the 2020 presidential election was not “stolen” from former President Donald Trump.

“Unfortunately, last night the former president seemed to be talking in a proud way about the crowd size on January 6,” said host Margaret Brennan. “He gave a speech at Mar-a-Lago. He was the keynote speaker at an RNC fundraiser.”

‘He talked about Vice President Pence not doing more to stop the election certification, according to reports in the Times and the Post,” she continued. “So he is the best messenger for the party?”

“The former president is using the same language he knows provoked violence on January 6. As a party, we need to be focused on the future,” Cheney said. “We need to be focused on embracing the Constitution, not embracing insurrection.”

“I think it is very important for people to realize that a fundamental part of the Constitution, and of who we are as Americans, is the rule of law, the judicial process,” she added. “The election wasn’t stolen. There was a judicial process in place.”

“If you attack the judicial process and you attack the rule of law, you aren’t defending the Constitution,” she continued. “You’re at war with the Constitution. We have to embrace the Constitution and put forward positive solutions.”

“We have to be the party of hope, of aspiration, of inspiration, the party that recognizes and understands that the taxes need to be low, the government needs to be limited in size, a strong national defense, though substantive things, not the party of insurrection,” Cheney concluded.

Cheney also addressed the sexual misconduct allegations that have been made against Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), with Brennan asking her if she thinks he should resign.

“You know, as the mother of daughters, the charges certainly are sickening,” Cheney said. “And as the Speaker [Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)] noted, there’s an ethics investigation underway. There are also criminal investigations underway, and I’m not gonna comment further on that publicly right now.”

Backstory: Rep. Matt Gaetz Reportedly Under Federal Investigation, Tells Tucker Carlson That ‘Underage Girl’ Story Is A ‘Lie’

via thepoliticalinsider

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