Trump v. Biden on Border Crisis – Evidence the Media Is Crooked and Dishonest

Newsbusters released a video showing the differences between how the biased and sick media in the US reported immigrants at the border under President Trump and today under Biden.  The differences are disgusting (not shocking since we are well aware of the media’s bias):

Newsbusters reports:

To the media, the crisis is not that thousands of illegal immigrants are showing up at the border, but rather that they might not be receiving adequate amenities. Thus these journalists are conveniently absolved of having to ponder whether Biden’s lax immigration policies could be partially driving for the spike in crossings.

Instead, some journalists are blaming the surge on the previous administration. During the March 15 edition of MSNBC’s MTP Daily, fill-in host Kasie Hunt argued: “Obviously, this is a problem that the Biden administration inherited from the Trump administration.”

via thegatewaypundit

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