Rep. Ronny Jackson: Biden Vindictive on Trump Policies

Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson suggested Friday that President Joe Biden is being vindictive with regard to former President Donald Trump’s policies, reversing them merely because they were enacted by his predecessor and the flood of illegal immigrants at the southern border is a result.

''President Biden, I think, for no other reason than to just stick it in the eye of President Trump, I think so much of what he’s been doing since he got in office is just specifically to go after Trump policies because they’re Trump policies, with disregard for what it’s doing to our country,'' Jackson said on Newsmax TV’s ''The Chris Salcedo Show.''

''And this a perfect example of how our country is being seriously damaged by some of his irresponsible policies.''

Jackson said he and several of his fellow Texas congressmen are planning to visit the border on Sunday to see ''firsthand'' the situation.

''We’re going to be forced to work with the state on this because the Biden administration, they do not care,'' the 53-year-old Republican said. ''It doesn’t surprise me at all. I don’t think Biden has a clue what’s going on down there. He just recently announced that he was going to put Vice President (Kamala) Harris in charge of the border. That makes perfect sense.

''If you look at his press conference [yesterday], he looked confused, tired and just weak. And we’ve heard for a while now that she’s handling all of these engagements with other foreign leaders. It makes perfect sense now. I don’t think he’s engaged with what’s going on at the border. I think he’s lost control of it.''

Jackson, a retired U.S. Navy rear admiral who served in the White House Medical Unit and as personal physician to President Barack Obama and Donald Trump, also called into question Biden’s ability to handle the duties of president, particularly after Thursday’s press conference.

''Something’s seriously wrong here,'' said Jackson, who was elected to represent Texas’ 13th Congressional District in the state’s northern panhandle. ''I’ve been saying it for a long time. But it’s becoming more and more obvious as time goes on. This man had every advantage yesterday. They did this in the middle of the day. They didn’t do it late in the evening.

''Evidently, they told him what reporters to call on. He had the answers to the questions. The press just covered up for him. Super softball questions. And still, despite all these distinct advantages he had in this 'press conference,' he still struggled to make it through this. He still looked incredibly confused.''

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