Netanyahu: 4 more Abraham Accords in works

President Donald J. Trump, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bahrain Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al-Zayani, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister of Foreign Affairs for the United Arab Emirates Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyanisigns sign the Abraham Accords Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2020, on the South Lawn of the White House. 

The Trump administration's brokering of peace deals between Israel and four longtime foes prompted Nobel Peace prize nominations for Trump.

Now,  the Washington Free Beacon reports four more deals are in the works, according to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"I brought four peace agreements, and there are another four on the way," he said.

The report said Netanyahu "did not dispel rumors" about deals with Niger, Mauritania and Indonesia. Saudi Arabia also has been suggested.

The agreements with Morocco, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan dispelled the belief that any deal between Israel and Islamic nations had to include the Palestinians and their interests.

WND reported in September the editor of a Saudi Arabian newspaper said peace agreements with Israel are the only option for Arab nations that have opposed Israel for generations.

Khalid bin Hamad Al-Malik, the editor of Al-Jazirah, wrote two days before the Israel-UAE-Bahrain peace deals that the Arabs "tried war and were defeated; they tried hostility towards Israel and gained nothing; they tried to reconcile [with Israel] on their own terms and failed."

The Free Beacon report said Israel is "inching toward normalizing relations with Saudi Arabia."

"Normalization with gulf countries has already borne significant fruit for Israel," the Free Beacon said. "Tourism and trade continues to grow apace between Israel and the UAE, with some even remarking that they feel safer wearing traditional Jewish clothing in Dubai than in France now."

Trump's realignment of Middle East relations was praised by former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger as "brilliant." He urged the Biden administration to stay the course.

WND columnist Michael Brown said America is watching "history unfold before our eyes."

"And it is America that is brokering these deals with Israel and these Muslim nations," he pointed out.

"On one of my recent trips to Israel, I was struck by the degree of enthusiastic support for Trump from the man on the street, among both the religious to the irreligious. (There are plenty of both in Israel!)," he wrote. "In the rough and tumble world of Israeli politics, Trump's worst qualities hardly raise a concern. Instead, for them, they saw results, tangible results. And some of those results were the difference between life and death."

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