Pro-Trump Rep. Mo Brooks Is Considering Senate Run in 2022

Rep. Mo Brooks is an American hero.

When fellow members of the GOP Surrender Caucus refused to make a stand against the historic election fraud in the 2020 election, Brooks refused to be silent and vowed to fight for election integrity.

Back in December, Mo Brooks was the first Republican lawmaker to request election fraud hearings before the January 6th Electoral College vote in the US capital.

“I Made a Choice, I Can Either Sit with Surrender Caucus or Stand Up and Fight” – GOP Rep. Mo Brooks Vows to Fight Stolen Election in January

Brooks later ripped his GOP critics Monday as quitters unwilling to do the “homework” needed to save the Trump presidency.

By January 6th 140 House Republicans announced plans to vote against the Electoral College certification due to lingering questions on the 2020 election.

Rep. Brooks has also been a staunch defender of our borders and the rule of law.

Brooks is no wallflower.

Earlier this week Brooks announced he may jump into the 2022 US Senate race in Alabama.
This is horrible news for Anti-Trumper Mitch McConnell and the Republican elites!

CNN is obviously upset with the news.

Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks, who led the House effort to object to the election results on January 6, told CNN he plans to make an announcement on Monday about whether he will run for the Senate.

A Senate candidacy would be controversial given his role seeking to overturn the 2020 election results and his speaking in stark terms at the January 6 rally before the Capitol riot — and it will likely divide the GOP over what would traditionally be a safe seat.

Brooks told CNN he has spoken with former President Donald Trump about running for the Alabama Senate seat.

“Yes I am considering a run for the Senate,” he told CNN on Wednesday.

via thegatewaypundit

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