Eric Trump: Biden’s Policy Reversals a ‘Joke’

President Joe Biden's major reversals of former President Donald Trump's policies are a "joke" that is harming the gains made during his four years in office, his son Eric Trump tells Newsmax TV.

"You see what this guy's doing with the border right now, and it's awful, Eric Trump, executive vice president of The Trump Organization, said Thursday on "Greg Kelly Reports." "I mean, look at the crisis that they have at the border. My father had that problem solved. He had built 500 miles of border wall."

Biden halted construction of the wall when he took office Jan. 20 and signed executive orders ending Trump policies such as the Stay in Mexico program that kept asylum seekers on the southern side of the border while their claims were processed.

Since Biden's inauguration, more undocumented immigrants have attempted to cross the border. Immigration officials turn back families if caught, but children who have been sent by themselves are again overcrowding facilities, though the White House has refused to call the situation a "crisis."

Eric Trump also pointed to rising prices at the gas pump under Biden's brief two months in office.

"People's gas bills are going up by hundreds and hundreds of dollars a month," he said.

"He wants to reverse my father's tax cuts, which is one of the reasons that the markets went to highs never before seen in this country," he added. "Look at the lack of respect by Iran and throughout … the Middle East. You know, the first thing that Biden did when he came in, 'I'm gonna ease all the sanctions.' … So you want to ease the sanctions on a country that chants 'Death to America?' That's exactly what Biden wants to do. And you know, these policies are a joke.

The younger Trump, who lives in New York City with his wife, Lara, said he talks to people there who tell him they weren't always a fan of the way his father delivered his message, but he was effective.

"Everything he said he was going to do he did … whether it's crush ISIS … get rid of the Taliban," he said, also pointing to Donald Trump's success in the area of Middle East peace.

"Every other administration talked about Middle Eastern peace and no one was able to achieve it," he said. "Look what he is able to do with North Korea … and putting them in their place. … That was an amazing, amazing accomplishment."

Trump may have sent tweets that some people considered offensive in tone, but his effectiveness made up for it, Eric Trump said.

"And now you have someone who's on the opposite end of that spectrum," he said. "Not only is he not sending tweets, but he was totally ineffective and people don't know where he stands on most issues, and I think he is a proxy for the radical left every single day. He's becoming more radical and scary to me. ... I think a lot of people are gonna miss Donald Trump and how effective a leader he was."

via newsmax

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