The post-Trump ratings era is destroying cable news, especially CNN

I’d like to introduce you to a good friend of mine. He has kind of an odd name but he’s a good ol’ fella. His name’s Ello Ell. (I sometimes call him Old Eller).

Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey writes Saturday about a new Variety report on the hit the big three cable channels are taking in the wake of Trump.

” Variety reports that all of the Big Three cable news networks have seen significant declines over the last three months, although Fox News Channel has managed to hold the decline down to single digits,” writes Morrissey. “CNN, however, has seen their prime-time viewership drop dramatically over the last three months, and Variety chalks that up to the disappearance of CNN’s favorite prime-time punching bag.”

Our prediction that audiences would perk up for President Trump’s second impeachment trial proved correct. But in the weeks after the trial ended, audiences for CNN have plummeted; MSNBC is seeing about half CNN’s drop, while Fox News is down single digits. While the left-leaning networks may be losing steam without the ability to feed off of Trump being in office, conservative audiences have found new focal points for their concerns.

What? Screechy Brianna Keilar doing dead face, loud mouthed dramatic readings of her hot takes isn’t selling? Fake Tapper’s bipolar journalism isn’t keeping engagement? Do you mean to tell me that without Trump THE FAT DUMB AND BALD GUY CAN’T KEEP AN AUDIENCE?????

Y’all. Don’t. Say.

More from Variety’s report:

CNN isn’t the only network to see declines, but they are the most pronounced. MSNBC’s drops are around half of what CNN saw, with Chris Hayes (-16.7%) and Lawrence O’Donnell (-17.6%) seeing steeper declines than total primetime news leader Rachel Maddow (-9.1%).

Fox News has seen the smallest audience declines over the period, but it is interesting to note that Sean Hannity, who may have leaned more on his association to Trump than the others, has seen the greatest drops among Fox News’ primetime lineup, down by double digits (-11.9%) versus “The Ingraham Angle” (-9.2%) and “Tucker Carlson Tonight” (-4.8%, the smallest decline seen across all primetime news titles).

Noah Rothman has the charts.

Ed has more at Hot Air on what’s behind all this, like the ideological audiences of Maddow and Tucker versus people who were caught up in, but have now tired of, political news 24/7/365.

But what it really comes down to, for me, is pretty dang clear. It’s that these outfits are jokes and have always been. And since nobody is trying to keep up with Trump … they ain’t sticking around for the nonsense.

via therightscoop

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