President Trump Crashes Mar-a-Lago Fundraiser for Dog Rescues in China

President Trump crashed a fundraiser for dog rescues in China Friday night at Mar-a-Lago.

Of course, the crowd was thrilled to see President Trump who appeared to have come straight from the golf course.

President Trump teased that his daughter-in-law Lara Trump may run for US Senate in North Carolina.

The Daily Mail reported:

Donald Trump has made a surprise appearance at a dog rescue fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago, after returning to his home base in Florida following a quick trip to New York.

The former President delighted attendees at the event – held Friday night to raise money for Big Dog Ranch Rescue – as he took to the stage for an impromptu speech, which was shared to Twitter by journalist T.A. Walker.

‘I didn’t exactly prepare for this, but I was walking by, and I hear everyone screaming,’ Trump was seen telling the crowd as they broke into rapturous applause.

The Commander-in-chief claimed he was compelled to speak to the crowd because he believed that the fundraiser was ‘so great and so important’.

‘I’m with you 100 percent. We had many meetings in the White House and the Oval Office having to do with saving and helping dogs!’ Trump exclaimed.

Attendees were heard cheering loudly, with one screaming out ‘I love you!’

Lauree Simmons, president and founder of Big Dog Ranch Rescue, hosted the fundraiser event in the hopes of raising $500,000 to help bring 500 dogs from China to the United States.

via thegatewaypundit

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