What? Ivanka Trump helps deliver food to needy – without media spotlight

Critics of just about anything the Trump family did during President Trump's term in office claimed Ivanka Trump's delivery of food to the needy was "for show."

Now Washington Examiner columnist Paul Bedard has proof otherwise.

Ivanka participated in a food distribution program this week while "the media entourage that followed her every move" was miles up Interstate 95 "mesmerized by President Biden's dogs."

Ivanka, Bedard noted, spearheaded a program in 2020 to distribute food to the needy, and critics then charged it was for show.

Yesterday's event proved it wasn't, he wrote.

"Far from the glare of Washington this week, she joined former President Donald Trump's longtime minister Paula White to distribute the Department of Agriculture's 'Farms to Families' food boxes at White's City of Destiny church in Apopka, Florida."

She put boxes in waiting cars and "took time to talk to several families hit economically" by the coronavirus, the report said.

White told the columnist, "The experience of distributing 1,320 F2F food boxes alongside Ivanka Trump again, who has been a champion of this great program and continues to serve hurting humanity with love, compassion, and action, was impactful and inspiring."

Bedard said photos "showed her dressed simply in white sneakers and a blue and white checked dress, waiting in the sun to hand out the boxes and praying inside the church with White."

Ivanka later helped deliver boxes to people unable make it to the church and then visited a shelter for victims of human trafficking.

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