Trump just sent cease-and-desist letters to three major Republican groups

President Trump has just sent three cease-and-desist letters to the RNC, NRCC and NRSC to stop fundraising based on his name and likeness because he’s unhappy with them:

NEWSMAX – Former President Donald Trump has demanded that three main Republican groups stop using his name and likeness to help raise money, a Trump adviser said on Saturday.

The adviser, confirming a report in Politico, said that lawyers for Trump on Friday had sent cease-and-desist letters to the Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Campaign and National Republican Senate Campaign, asking them to stop using his name and likeness on fundraising emails and merchandise.

The adviser said Trump is sensitive to the use of his name and likeness for branding purposes and has been irked that the three groups have supported Republican lawmakers who had joined Democrats in voting to impeach him over the Jan. 6 storming of the U.S. Capitol by pro-Trump protesters.

Trump is using his Save America SuperPAC to raise money in part to help hand-picked Republican candidates in the 2022 congressional elections, some of whom are expected to challenge Republican incumbents whom the former president would like to see ousted.

I was honestly surprised that Trump included the RNC in the list, but I can understand why given the impeachment rationale. It was ridiculous for any Republican to support impeachment either time and he’s clearly ‘irked’. Yeah, I think ‘irked’ is a YUGE understatement.

In somewhat related news, Trump endorsed several Republican candidates last night in his latest tranche of endorsements:

In a trio of endorsements Friday evening, Trump announced his support for South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster (R) and Idaho Sen. Mike Crapo (R), both of whom are running for reelection, and Arkansas Lieutenant Governor Tim Griffin (R), who is running to be his state’s attorney general.

In his endorsements, Trump cast the lawmakers as staunch supporters of an array of conservative values, touting their stances on immigration, gun rights and more.

Trump said McMaster “is Strong on the Military, our Vets, Crime, and the Second Amendment” and that Crapo “will continue to be a Champion for our Second Amendment and the great Outdoorsmen and Women of Idaho and the USA.” The former president added that Griffin “will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the brave Men and Women of Law Enforcement.”

I’m sure the ‘Trump endorsement’ is a big deal for many Trump voters, especially considering how the last election went. 2023 just might be a great year for Republicans.

via therightscoop

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