Candace Owens: Feminism is Trump calling out insanity of men in women’s sports

Real feminism and the left never worked well together.

Candace Owens, a prominent conservative commentator and the host of "The Candace Owens Show" podcast, has caused a leftist meltdown on Twitter.

Owens, a firm supporter of former President Donald Trump, tweeted yesterday about Trump's "courage to stand up on stage and call out the insanity of biological men dominating women’s sports."


The tweet is referring to a part of Trump's speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Florida, where the former president stated that biological men competing in women's sports is "not good for women."

Owens began trending on Twitter after her initial tweet, doubling down shortly after in another tweet that said, "Biological men have no place in women's sports."

She also tweeted to state that Trump is "a feminist icon," and even more so than "any woman breathing who works to legitimatize the diabolical effort from the LGBT community to erase what it means to be a woman."

Many were upset with Owen's claims, attempting to undermine her intelligence in a multitude of ways. One user tweeted a clip from Joe Rogan's podcast, "Joe Rogan Experience," in which Owens stated that she did not believe in climate change.

But, frankly, Owens is right.

The "feminism" that the left supports is not true feminism. It's built on biological lies and false victimization.

As Candace stated in her tweet, the left craves to destroy the meaning of being a woman, replacing traditional gender roles which women are better suited for with the idea that they can be just as good as men in any field they wish to pursue.

Of course, that lie has been debunked time and again, and nowhere more than in sports itself.

According to a December 2020 study on the effects of gender-affirming hormones on transgender athletes, transgender women retain their athletic edge for upwards of a year, with some even retaining their running abilities for 2 years. In a more anecdotal example, transgender mixed martial arts fighter Fallon Fox fractured the skull of their biologically female opponent, Ericka Newsome, in a 2014 fight.

It's been clearly documented that men perform better than women in sports, and that transgender women certainly retain some form of athletic superiority even after their transition. The feminism of the left supports this hierarchy, appearing to do nothing but destroy women's sports in the process, which is why it ought to be thrown out.

via wnd

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