Steve Bannon disapprove 60 Minutes producer claim that he wanted Trump removed

Steve Bannon believed President Donald Trump had early-stage dementia in 2017 and started a covert campaign to get him removed via the 25th Amendment, a veteran ’60 Minutes’ producer revealed in a new book.

Producer Ira Rosen wrote in his memoir, ‘Ticking Clock: Behind the Scenes at 60 Minutes,’ that Bannon began reaching out to Trump allies during the summer of 2017 and had conversations with them about the then-president’s mental state.

‘He believed Trump was suffering from early-stage dementia and that there was a real possibility he would be removed from office by the Twenty-Fifth Amendment, where the cabinet could vote that the president was no longer mentally capable of carrying out his duties,’ Rosen wrote. ‘Bannon began to push that story hard.’

But Steve Bannon claims this is not true.  Steve Bannon hit back at the 60 Minutes producer’s piece saying today:

This is from a guy at CBS.  It’s a total fantasy, totally incorrect, total lie.  With CBS I did one 3 hour live interview for 60 minutes, they eventually put up online on the Charlie Rose Show.  Three hours, longest interview they ever done, because i demanded, I said I want to see it all up there.  Three hours and they tried to trick me about President Trump the entire time.

Bannon goes on to say that he never talked to anyone from the Cabinet for years, except Pompeo about China.  He said he is a true supporter of President Trump and he has shown it.

via thegatewaypundit

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