Rudy Giuliani: Trump Never Had a Chance with Senate Dems

President Donald Trump had no chance to win over Senate Democrats no matter what he did and said on Jan. 6, according to former presidential attorney and adviser Rudy Giuliani on Newsmax TV.

Giuliani spoke with host Grant Stinchfield on Wednesday's "Stinchfield" less than an hour after the Senate adjourned on the second day of the trial against Trump, who was impeached by the House for inciting the protesters who rioted the U.S. Capitol.

"Of course, he ended the speech by telling [the crowd] to be peaceful and then [Democrats] said he didn’t really mean it," Giuliani said. "That means you can't win.

"If he had said don't be peaceful, he'd have been guilty. And if he said peaceful, he's guilty because they're unfair. They've been unfair for five years."

Stinchfield mentioned the selectively edited video from the pre-riot rally that Democrats played Tuesday. It omitted the president's words encouraging people to "peacefully and patriotically" make their voices heard.

"That's total deception," Giuliani said. "In a trial, it would probably lead to a mistrial if they did that with a judge. Or you would then play it, and slam the lawyer in front of the jury for being a deceptive liar."

The former New York City mayor echoed other Trump supporters in pointing out Democrats’ arguments were trying tug at people's emotions.

"I think their case is a pathetic appeal to emotions and hoping that people are stupid," Giuliani said. "You have a speech, and I saw that guy [Rep. Eric] Swalwell[D-Calif.]. The words in the speech are perfectly normal and he treats them like they’re words of incitement – no one was incited by it."

Giuliani said Trump could not have incited the rioters because they began storming the Capitol "a half hour before the president even ended his speech."

"Two different events that they're trying to put together in a desperate effort to prevent him from getting re-elected in 2024," Giuliani said.

via newsmax

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