Ex-White House Interpreter: ‘Canceled and Humiliated’ for Supporting Trump

The White House sign-language interpreter who was outed as a supporter of former President Donald Trump said Sunday that she hasn’t been offered a return engagement since — and blasted critics who attacked her credibility and professionalism.

Heather Mewshaw, who began working as an independent contractor for the White House last year, said she hasn’t been contacted by the Biden administration in the wake of a Time magazine report that revealed she translated speeches for conservative social media groups.

“The goal of my activity — at the White House or with Hands of Liberty — is that it’s all about access,” Mewshaw told The Post.

“The thing is, I was canceled and humiliated publicly and it was unjust and unfair.”

Mewshaw, a 41-year-old married mother of four from Glen Burnie, Md., also said she’s been “harassed” and “intimidated” online for providing American Sign Language translation for the Hands of Liberty Facebook group and its defunct predecessor, Right Side ASL.

via joemiller

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