Democrat Aides Begging for Trump Conviction

Over 370 Democrat aides banned together and signed an open letter to members of the Senate on Wednesday, begging them to convict former President Trump for inciting an “attack on our workplace.”

“We are staff who work for members of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives, where it is our honor and privilege to serve our country and our fellow Americans,” the Democrat aides began in the letter, sharing their experiences from the day of the January 6 Capitol protest. The aides expressed the unequivocal belief that both Trump and his political allies incited the attack — a narrative championed by the Democrat-led House lawmakers who voted in favor of impeachment.

“Many of us attended school in the post-Columbine era and were trained to respond to active shooter situations in our classrooms. As the mob smashed through Capitol Police barricades, broke doors and windows, and charged into the Capitol with body armor and weapons, many of us hid behind chairs and under desks or barricaded ourselves in offices,” they said, detailing their experience.

Trump, they claimed, “broke America’s 230-year legacy of the peaceful transition of power when he incited a mob to disrupt the counting of electoral college votes. They again stated that the crowd was “inspired by lies told by the former president and others about the results of the election in a baseless, months-long effort to reject votes lawfully cast by the American people.”

The Democrat aides presented two choices, proclaiming that people either “stand with the republic or against it.”


Hundreds of Democratic Staff Plead With Senators to Convict Trump in Impeachment Trial

Hundreds of Democratic staffers from both chambers of Congress are pleading with senators to convict former President Donald Trump in his upcoming impeachment trial for his part in the events leading up to the deadly riot at the Capitol last month.

On Jan. 6, “our workplace was attacked by a violent mob trying to stop the electoral college vote count,” the 370 staff members wrote in an open letter. “That mob was incited by former president Donald J. Trump and his political allies, some of whom we pass every day in the hallways at work.”

The staff members come from more than 100 House and 15 Senate offices and include those on the Judiciary, Oversight and Foreign Affairs committees. They said they hope the senators will take their trauma seriously when the chamber weighs whether to convict the former president.

“The attack on our workplace was inspired by lies told by the former president and others about the results of the election in a baseless, months-long effort to reject votes lawfully cast by the American people,” they wrote.

via joemiller

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