Biden Signs 3 More Orders Reversing Trump on Immigration

President Joe Biden signed three more executive orders Tuesday to reverse policies of the Trump administration, actions critics characterized as "reinstating incentives" for people to enter the country illegally.

The orders create a task force to end the "zero tolerance" policy that separated family members if an adult entered the country illegally with a child; "review" the Remain-in-Mexico policy which keeps migrant south of the border while immigrations are being heard – something Biden has vowed to end; and "streamline" the naturalization process while reviewing the public charge test.

"We are going to work to undo the moral and national shame of the previous administration that literally, not figuratively, ripped children from the arms of their families . . . with no plan, none whatsoever to reunify the children who are still in custody and their parents," Biden said in signing the orders.

However, former border officials and advocacy groups decried the moves, saying they encourage illegal immigration.

"With another stroke of a pen, Biden is doubling down on his open border strategies, encouraging illegal migration, and creating the next crisis to reach our borders," former acting Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan told Fox News. "Within two weeks of this new administration our borders are less secure, our country less safe, and the mission of our frontline personnel has become more dangerous."

Additionally, Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) President Dan Stein accused the White House of "ignoring, or exacerbating, the 'pull factors' over which it has full control."

via newsmax

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