Trump picks up another Nobel nomination

Former President Trump has picked up another nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize, this time for being the only president in recent years not to start a war while in office.

He previously received several nominations for his Middle East peace agreements.

However, the Western Journal argues Trump has little chance of being given the prize because of its "politicized nature." Previous winners, the Journal noted, were Barack Obama, Al Gore and Palestinian terrorist Yasser Arafat.

Trump's latest nomination came from Jaak Madison, an Estonian member of the European Parliament.

"In relation to the act that nominees for the Nobel Peace prize can also be submitted by members of parliament, I took this opportunity. The deadline was January 31 midnight by the Central European time zone and I did it exactly two hours before the deadline fell," he said.

Madison noted Trump is the "first president of U.S. in last 30 years" who did not launch a new war. He also cited Trump's Middle East peace agreements, the Abraham Accords, for which Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner also was nominated.

Trump was nominated by Christian Tybring-Gjedde of the Norwegian Parliament in September.

The Black Lives Matter movement was nominated for a Nobel prize by Petter Eide of the Norwegian Parliament. ABC News reported he's received criticism for the nomination.

Eide told ABC News on Sunday that he was prepared for the criticism and has no plans to rescind the nomination.

"This weekend I have received so many negative responses from individual Americans telling me that Black Lives Matter is a violent and aggressive organization, that they are deliberately using violence as a political communication tool and that nominating them for the Nobel Peace Prize is quite insane," Eide said.

Eide claimed that "more than 90% of the demonstrations," which caused an estimated $2 billion in damage across the nation, were peaceful.

He insisted that any violence "was based on either aggressive police behavior or counter-demonstrations," ABC reported.

Trump's most recent Nobel nomination was his fifth.

Earlier, a Finnish member of the European Parliament, Laura Huhtasaari, wrote that he should be honored "in recognition of his endeavors to end the era of endless wars, construct peace by encouraging conflicting parties for dialogue and negotiations, as well as underpin internal cohesion and stability of his country."

Along with Tybring-Gjedde, Trump was nominated by Magnus Jacobsson, the second deputy chairman of the Transport Committee of the Swedish Parliament, for his "historic Kosovo-Serbia Peace deal."

Another European leader, Rob Roos, said: "Most of my fellow Euro-parliamentarians will regard such a suggestion as a provocation. They believe that they embody the good and that Trump embodies evil. But a closer look at Trump's actual record can only lead to the conclusion that he has devoted his presidency to world peace and with considerable success."

Earlier, several Australian professors backed Trump for the honor.

via wnd

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