Trump Announces Legal Defense Team for Senate Impeachment Trial

On Sunday, President Trump announced two highly respected lawyers will be heading up his impeachment legal defense team. The former president stands accused of inciting the U.S. Capitol riot earlier this month.

Two lawyers, David Schoen and Bruce L. Castor, Jr. will defend the president in his second impeachment as Democrats lay out what is sure to be a case built heavily on emotions. Schoen has already hit the ground running, working with the former president and his current advisors in preparation for the upcoming trial.

Both lawyers agree the current impeachment case is unconstitutional.

“I consider it a privilege to represent the 45th President,” said Castor. “The strength of our Constitution is about to be tested like never before in our history. It is strong and resilient. A document written for the ages, and it will triumph over partisanship yet again, and always.”

“It is an honor to represent the 45th President, Donald J. Trump, and the United States Constitution,” said Schoen.


Trump’s Impeachment Team Disbands Days Before Senate Trial

President Donald Trump’s impeachment legal team has disbanded just days before his upcoming impeachment trial is set to begin, according to a report.

According to CNN, the five lawyers who signed up to represent Trump decided to leave the legal team over disagreements for the strategy to be used at a Senate trial that is set to begin on Feb. 9.

Trump was impeached by the House on charges that he incited the riots at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

None of Trump’s lawyers from his first impeachment last year had signed on to his legal team, forcing the Republican to scramble to find legal representation.

via joemiller

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