Powell: “Trump Had About 80 Million Votes and Biden Had Much Less Than That”

Powell like many Americans was concerned that this is a turning point for the country and the world.  She has a website defendingtherepublic.org where they are keeping track of her cases outstanding, all her pleadings and hundreds of pages of evidence show that President Trump did indeed win the election.

He [Trump] had about 80 million votes and Biden had much less than that, aside from the fact that hundreds of thousands of Biden votes were fraudulent from the get-go.  There were hundreds of thousands of fraudulent ballots.  There were flipped votes in algorithms run in the various machines and not just the ones from Dominion.”

Powell explained that they had to drop a couple of cases because they asked the court to review before the inauguration which the court didn’t do so these cases became moot.  When asked about what President Trump knew about the steal, Powell said the following:

I think the people around him for his entire term have controlled him by controlling the flow of information that he got from the people that he could talk to.  There was a massive effort throughout his term to tamp down and limit what he could do by all means possible.”

Listen to the rest below and the next actions in performing full forensic reviews of all the ballots in the swing states and across the nation.

Americans must know the truth about this election.  Americans must trust elections.

via thegatewaypundit

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