Trump Impeachment 2.0 Brutally Summed Up By a Single Cartoon

By now almost everyone knows that the Democrats have once again impeached President Trump for no legitimate reason whatsoever other than hate and once he leave office next week the entire thing is moot anyway.

The surprising and disappointing part was how many elected officials in the GOP supported this.

They say a picture can be worth a thousand words, so here is what the second Trump impeachment looks like to the majority of those of us who voted for the President:

Does that about sum it all up?

One thing we have all learned from the Trump years is the GOP establishment is just as bad as the Democratic party establishment.

Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy are no better than Chuck Schumer or Nancy Pelosi.

In fact I would argue the GOP is far worse than the Dems.

When the Dems are in power they march in lockstep to get their agenda through, while Republicans form circular firing squads and do little to nothing that matters to voters.

While no fan, at all, of the current Democrat party, the fact is the GOP deserves to die and it is way past time for a third party.

Here's The List Of 10 GOP Lawmakers Who Supported Impeachment, Turned On Trump by Marmee Rooke

Last year, Washington D.C. was under siege as left-wing rioters systematically burned the city while looting the stores, but that was put deep into the memory bank of ten Republican Senators that voted to impeach President Trump yesterday.

"The ten Republicans in the House who voted for [President] Trump's impeachment were House Republican Conference Chair Liz Cheney (Wyo.) and Reps. Anthony Gonzalez (Ohio), Jaime Herrera Beutler (Wash.), John Katko (N.Y.), Kinzinger (Ill.), Peter Meijer (Mich.), Dan Newhouse (Wash.), Rice (S.C.), Fred Upton (Mich.) and David Valadao (Calif.)," reports The Hill.

The videos of President Trump repeatedly calling for peace were taken down from the internet. It is easier to lie about someone's intentions if the video evidence proving you wrong is erased from the public's view.

The Hill reports:

"Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) said he is "in total peace" with his vote even if it costs him his seat. "I have backed this President through thick and thin for four years. I campaigned for him and voted for him twice. But, this utter failure is inexcusable," Rep. Tom Rice (R-S.C.)."

The establishment is kind enough to raise their hand and show you who they are. Vote these people out. President Trump is many things, but the leader of a domestic terror group hell-bent on raising an insurrection isn't one of them.

The American people would respect these Republicans more if they were honest about why they voted to impeach him. They hate their own voters. They hate that you and I love President Trump and hate the old GOP where Dick Cheney and John McCain called the shots.

We are a threat to the way they hold and wield power.

It is understandable to want to hold people accountable for breaching the Capitol building last week. It was an unacceptable act that warrants swift and strong action. But let's be honest with ourselves; it wasn't President Trump that incited the violence.

Bad actors infiltrated a mostly peaceful protest with the intention to incite violent behavior. That, coupled with the Capitol police opening barricades and the doors to the building, essentially ushering people in by the hundreds, created the catalyst for what President Trump is on trial for.

Americans are fed up with being locked in their homes and being told that because you love your country, you are a racist white supremacist even if you aren't white. If Congress continues to push this narrative, it will only serve to divide us more.

What do we do now?

We pray. We talk to our neighbors face to face. We remind everyone of the good that President Trump did for America. We cannot let our 'America First' legacy die. Pressure the state legislature for election security reform and get involved. This is the time we run for City Council, mayor, the county board of education. If we make the changes at the state level, the United States Constitution will protect us from whatever unconstitutional federal mandates Joe Biden's administration throws down.

Hold the line now and primary the living daylights out of every establishment, Democrat and Republican, in 2022.

via thefederalistpapers

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