Trump Attorney Cleta Mitchell Resigns from Firm

One of President Donald Trump’s campaign attorneys, who was on the phone call Saturday with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, has resigned from her Washington, D.C. law firm, multiple outlets reported.

Cleta Mitchell, a respected and influential Republican election attorney, resigned from her partnership at Foley and Lardner LLP, a corporate law firm.

She is the latest attorney who has worked with President Trump in various legal challenges to the presidential election to have resigned a position amid fierce criticism and harassment.

“The left-wingers are causing her trouble, but they’ve been causing her trouble,” Mitchell’s husband Dale Mitchell told The Wall Street Journal. “She’s not exactly losing sleep over this.”

After CNN and The Washington Post released a secretly recorded audiotape of the call, left-wing groups, including the Lincoln Project, began a Twitter and social media campaign to have her fired from her firm.

The Journal said Mitchell, a former member of the Oklahoma House of Representatives, could not be reached for comment, but that Dale Mitchell said his 70-year-old wife had been planning to retire in June.

Mitchell spoke on the weekend call to Raffensperger asking for access to state records she said would demonstrate thousands of votes came from dead people or out-of-state residents. Raffensperger has refused to give the Trump campaign access to such data.

In Georgia,  Biden was declared the winner by 11,779 votes out of more than 5 million cast.

“And you can keep telling us and making public statements that you investigated this and nothing to see here,” she is quoted as saying on the tape. “But we don’t know about that. All we know is what you tell us.”

Foley and Lardner issued a statement saying Mitchell had “concluded that her departure was in the firm’s best interests, as well as in her own personal best interests.”

She is only the latest attorney to face criticism from far left groups.

Jones Day, the Trump's campaign’s primary firm in its election lawsuits, was threatened with a boycott by law students for filing a lawsuit over Pennsylvania’s  results and a prominent anti-Trump group targeted it online.

Philadelphia attorney Linda Kerns, who also was involved in Pennsylvania litigation, was placed under the protection of U.S. Marshals in November after being threatened.

And the anti-Trump lawyers’ group Lawyers Defending American Democracy has called for sanctions against several attorneys for their involvement with Trump’s election challenge litigation, most recently calling for punishment of Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert, an lawyer by trade, and his attorney, William Sessions, for their filing of a lawsuit on Dec. 27.

via newsmax

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